IDEA THEFT WAR TIME! :D (oh, and great mix, too)
I'm going to be plainly honest: Your mix beats the everloving shit out of S-E-P-H-I-R-O-T-H!: Perfect. I'm not ashamed to say it. You took a relic remix and souped it up. Frankly, I'm impressed. There's nothing I dislike about this at all.
However, some of the better add-ons, such as moving to the "verse" pattern one more time before the "breakdown" pattern, I'm going to to borrow for the SE. I'll give them back when I'm done. :3
In all seriousness, this mix builds upon S-E-P-H-I-R-O-T-H!: Perfect and improves upon my own methods. I suppose all it took was a fresh mind. Keep up the good work, and hopefully I'll have the SE out before you remix my work again. :D